Who are we?
Van der Pluym has been an established name in legal translations since 1994. I was part of Van der Pluym’s team of sworn translators for several years, when I took over as business manager in 2017.
And our aim? - Is to provide one central point of contact for all of your legal translation jobs. Years of collaboration with many of our translators, enables me to pinpoint the perfect translator for your request. Our extensive network of experienced translators makes Vertaalhuis Van der Pluym the one-stop-shop for high-quality translations of all language combinations. So, you no longer need to look for a different translator each time you need documents in a different language: Vertaalhuis Van der Pluym is happy to do this for you! Our sworn translators are listed in the National Register of Sworn Translators and Interpreters, which also attests to their professional expertise in the area of legal translations. Our translators are often native speakers of the target language; and by translating into their mother tongue, ensure that the finer points of the language are respected. And, because we also organise the legalisation of translations, at government bodies, embassies and consulates, we provide the complete one-stop service.
We examine your translation needs, and take care to respect your time schedule: your deadline is our deadline! Legal translations are often subject to strict deadlines. Our translators are well aware that deadlines are just as important as the quality of the translations.
Curious? Feel free to contact us without obligation!
Cindy Meynen
Business Manager